How To Upload GIFs on Instagram Posts using Mobile Easy Method

Upload Gifs Instagram

How To Upload GIFs on Instagram Posts using Mobile: Individuals talk in gifs now. Additionally, on Facebook, we currently have the alternative to transfer gifs in the comment section. Don’t forget Instagram stories, you can also upload Gifs on Instagram Stories. GIFs have turned into an intuitive method for communicating. Be it memes or funny facial expressions. We love GIFs.

GIFs have been on the web since the 1980s however they were brought once again because of memes.

The main reason that the Gifs have been bought back on web is 

  • They are less boring!
  • Easy to Share!
  • Expresses thoughts in an instance.
  • The Internet has gifs in abundance. Check GIPHY (Holds largest collection of GIFs on the Internet). Just visit the website
  • Enter Search terms. (Eg: Happy, Sad, Shock)
  • Check those GIF Results!

Let’s jump directly to the tutorial.

How To Upload GIFs on Instagram Posts using Mobile

  1. Download GIPHY App from Play Store or App Store.
  2. Browse through categories and select your favorite GIF.
  3. Click on the Instagram icon to share it.
  4. GIPHY will convert GIF in video automatically
  5. Post it as Instagram Post or Instagram Story!

So this is the way you Upload GIFs on Instagram. I trust you are effectively uploading GIFs on Instagram. If you think you have learned something new then why don’t you share with your friends? Sharing is Caring 🙂 

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Mohammad Sharfuddin

A Designer & Developer Making the Web a Better Place. Crafting Ideas with Technology & Imagination. I take your business to next level. I believe in adding real value for my clients by creating integrated campaigns with quality content that will connect with your customers and rapidly ignite your online visibility.

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